Rated By You is a new web site that provides reviews of popular music based products and services found on
the World Wide Web. Once a product category is selected, we conduct an in-depth search, locate the most
popular products in that category and then do a thorough review of each.
There are a vast array of products and services available on the intern et. One of the biggest problems is
actually sorting and sifting through this mountain of information. RatedByYou does this leg-work for you. We
help you cut through the clutter so you can make a more informed decision – and make it quicker and easier.
After you buy or use any of the products listed, we encourage you to return to our site and rate the
products yourself using our Thumbs Up / Thumbs Down rating system.
We do not get paid for reviewing any of the products on the site, nor do we charge you for its use. However,
in some cases, we do get paid when you purchase one of the products listed on the site. In the interest of
full disclosure we think it is important that you know this.